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Randy Jones is a singer-songwriter from Aptos, California. Born in San Jose, California, he grew up when the Bay Area music scene was at it’s peak in the late sixties. Randy learned to play the guitar at the age of ten. Mostly self-taught he has had a guitar by his side ever since. Spending hours at a time, Randy would painstakingly “woodshed” and study classic vinyl albums by picking up the style and replaying over and over the guitar parts. He would learn how artists like James Taylor, the Beatles or Neil Young did what they did on the guitar.
Starting a rock band at thirteen and then part-time with a bluegrass band at fifteen with instructional banjo guru Eric Holcomb, he rapidly developed a local following at coffee houses and was featured on local radio shows. He would play at events and often at high school programs where he started showcasing his original compositions. He felt a great deal of musical style and influence as a result of the San Francisco music scene at the time.
After high school he moved to Aptos to the family cabin nestled in the rusticated redwoods and played his old D-18 Martin for days at a time. He met his lovely wife Molly, at the Crow’s Nest in Santa Cruz. It wasn’t until a year later when walking on the beach that the two would meet again. They have been inseparable ever since. That girl, whom he describes as “The most beautiful woman I’ve ever known” would later be featured in his music video “Photographs”, along with their grandchildren.
Randy has his love for music, but he also loves what he does in his day-to-day life, as a Chiropractor. His inspiration for pursuing a Chiropractic career evolved from his own personal health crisis as a young boy. When he was just a teenager, he had fallen on his bike and that injury would shape his entire future in health and in his career in Chiropractic. Ignited by the incredible results of the chiropractic care he received; Randy pursued his career in Chiropractic. He and his wife Molly both attended Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport, Iowa. While in college he started a rock band and played local concerts. Performing as a solo artist and with steady gigs every weekend, he had a large following in the Quad Cities.
After Randy and his wife Molly graduated from Palmer College of Chiropractic, they returned to California and established a very successful Chiropractic practice in Castroville. Randy was happy with the joy that he would receive in helping others to regain their health but his love and passion for music continued to grow as well. His wife Molly decided to hire Ken Kraft, a local producer and well-known guitarist with the band Snail. Soon Ken and Randy were writing songs together and recording at Mars Studios.
Randy has released seven albums which consist of Photographs (2000), Promise the World (2004), Waitin’ On the Night (2007), Maritimes (2012), Jump On In (2016), Miss Your Love (2019) and Crazy Sensation (2024). Some of the incredible talents you will hear on Randy’s albums consist of legendary bass player Tiran Porter of the Doobie Brothers, Julian Colbeck of the band Yes, Johnny Craviotto who played with Neil Young, Jimmy Norris and Beans Sousa of the Lacy J Dalton band, Dale Ockerman who has toured with the Doobie Brothers also plays keyboards on several albums, Danny Timms from the Highwaymen also plays keyboards and recorded with the boys between gigs with Kris Kristofferson. The many more legends you will hear on Randy’s albums are Gary Andrijasevich of the 60’s band Chocolate Watchband plays drums on some songs, Donny Baldwin of Jefferson Starship, Elvin Bishop hammers the skins on other tunes, saxophone players Daddy Ray Arvisu, Wes Anthony and legend Rock Hendricks deliver the goods on select tunes. Harpin Jonny is featured on harmonica on certain songs. Throughout the songs you can hear the guitars and background vocals of Kenny Kraft who trades acoustic, and lead work with Randy’s lead vocals, and also plays keyboards. When Randy isn’t creating magic in the recording studio, you can find playing live on Capitola beach and in local establishments.
“There were several events that changed my life in regard to music. From the beginning, when I first found the magic of the strings and the melodies of what my fingers could do on a guitar… to the many encounters and influences of the musical icons in my life. When we were kids, we would travel to New Brunswick, Canada and spend a week in the car. My mom taught me to sing, and we would work on harmonies for hours. She had a wonderful voice and could hit a note in tune every time. She insisted that I do the same. When I was thirteen, she worked nights to pay for my first electric guitar, a Fender that we bought at Guitar Showcase in San Jose, CA. Then one day I was at a party in the Bay Area and there was a guitarist who was a phenomenal singer. He was just sitting there with a few people around him, and man he was incredible. I never found out who he was, but it stuck in my mind how great one person can sound with a guitar. In 2010 Molly and I ran into Taylor Swift in Big Sur. She was there with her boyfriend Jake Gyllenhaal and it was only a brief hello in passing, but she is the real deal, an evolved soul, enlightened really. It was cosmic the coincidence of being that close on that weekend when she sold a million albums in one week. It inspired me to get back to writing more and since then I have caught fire. Whether someone else ever appreciates the music or not, well, I am happy as I am.” Randy Jones
CONTACT Randy Jones